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articles in the category:
Variseals for rod and piston
Published : 10/10/2024 | Categories : , Piston SealsSealing assured in extreme conditions The variseals, also known as flexiseal, mupuseal or internally as maitseal, are advanced sealing solutions designed for dynamic applications in both rods [...]
Ensure sealing in your cylinders
Published : 05/09/2024 | Categories : , O-Rings , Piston SealsThe role of seals in cylinders O-rings are extremely versatile sealing elements used in a wide variety of applications thanks to their simple and effective design. In the field of industrial [...]
What is the difference between a piston seal and a rod seal?
Published : 02/14/2024 | Categories : , Piston SealsOptimize the performance of your equipment: discover the keys about piston and rod seals The main difference lies in that piston seals seal the space between the piston and the cylinder wall, [...]
Maitseals: Revolutionary Seals for Dynamic Applications
Published : 10/18/2023 | Categories : , Rotary Shaft SealsTechnology always aims to surpass itself, and in the world of sealing, Maitseal has established itself as a solution that stands out due to its unique design and its ability to successfully [...]
What are Rod Seals?
Published : 07/21/2023 | Categories :Rod Seals, Optimizing Performance and Preventing Leaks Rod seals are sealing elements used in certain types of valves and mechanical equipment to ensure proper sealing between the rod and the [...]