What is the difference between a piston seal and a rod seal?

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Optimize the performance of your equipment: discover the keys about piston and rod seals

The main difference lies in that piston seals seal the space between the piston and the cylinder wall, while rod seals ensure the sealing between the rod and the cylinder or valve housing.

Piston Seals

  • Location: The piston seal is located between the piston and the cylinder wall in an internal combustion engine or other devices that use pistons, such as certain compressors and hydraulic cylinders.
  • Function: The main function of the piston seal is to seal the space between the piston and the cylinder wall to prevent gas and oil leaks during the operating cycle of the engine or device. It also helps to maintain the necessary compression within the cylinder during the different stages of the cycle.
  • Materials: Piston seals are usually made of materials resistant to heat and pressure, such as steel rings, composite materials, or O-rings.

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Rod Seal

  • Location: The rod seal is located on the external part of the rod, which is the moving part of a valve or hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder.
  • Function: The main function of the rod seal is to ensure an effective seal between the rod and the cylinder or valve housing. This seal prevents fluid leaks and ensures smooth and controlled movement of the rod during the operation of the equipment.
  • Materials: Rod seals are also made of wear-resistant materials and are suitable for the specific operating conditions. Like piston seals, materials can include O-rings, U-seals, V-seals, and packings of various materials and designs.

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Can a seal serve both the piston and the rod?

Yes, it is possible for a seal to be used for both the rod and the piston. For example, in certain hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, seals that seal both the rod and the piston can be used. These seals are placed in different positions within the cylinder:

  • On the rod: The seal is placed on the external part of the rod to ensure sealing between the rod and the cylinder housing, preventing fluid leaks and allowing smooth and controlled movement of the rod.
  • On the piston: Another seal is placed on the piston, sealing the space between the piston and the inner wall of the cylinder. This seal prevents fluid leaks and helps to maintain the necessary pressure inside the cylinder during operation.

Using a seal for both purposes has practical advantages, such as greater simplicity in the design and assembly of the cylinder, as well as a potential reduction in manufacturing and maintenance costs.

At JIOrings, we offer a variety of seals that can perform both roles, making them a doubly valuable choice for your industrial needs. Discover them today!

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